Sonntag, 13. März 2011


Hello cuties~

You all might know about the situation in japan・・・

The day when it happen i had normal school

So i saw it in news when i came home・・・・><

I was so shocked about it and worried about my friends

and also my boyfriend(ノω・、) ウゥ・・ He lives on okinawa

But still i cared about him and he didnt send me a mail
Or anything!! So i called him and cried at phone(ノ◇≦。)

But he was surprised and told me everything is ok!

Okinawa is save! I was SO happyー(´・ω・`)

Still in other cities like sendai its so horrible・・・・

 I just cant find words for it( ゚,_ゝ゚)

Also i dont know if i can go to japan in april now T T
My mom and sisters also care about it and their friends there・・・

I hope japan is better soon(>へ<。)

I pray for it !!!


Okie- these days i really needed some distraction (ノω・、) 

So i decided to make some pictures!

Also i was shopping with my dad and brother ;)

The mickey mouse ears were actually my Carneval costume Haha~

These pink mickey-ears are from TOKYO DISNEYLAND❤
Sorry for my bad face haha><

Sometimes i really dont like my face ・・・ヽ(゚◇゚ )ノ

Okay~ now talking about my new cloth :)
Its by h&m
A jumpsuit! I really like it and i want
To wear it in japan><
Sorry for bad quality~It was late already・・・

My brother said it looks like sleepwear and my dad said its actually cute!www
So what do you think about it?:) I will make better pictures soon(´・ω・`)
I also found this picture! i want thiiiiis><
Its a little bit same like mine
But it has short pants><

I also want the shoes of the right girl!
But i dont know the name・・・・
Anyway i love them!
I saw them last summer in tokyo so often
Now i regret that i didnt buy them。・゚・(*ノ益`*)・゚・。
Also i love her Clothes!

Hairstyles which i adore :

Randon stuff:
I just love the watch!!


Okie~Thats all for now!
Thanks for reading my blog 
And pray for japan and their people(>へ<。)
I send LOVE and HOPE to japan><