[This Post contains many pictures, I know some of you don't like that but it's more easy for me...I'm sorry!! My japanese exam will be on 20th July so I will be busy soon! After that I'll make a new post]
Hello my dear readers,
First of all I want to recommand you to follow me on Bloglovin because GFC will close soon!
That's my link: http://www.bloglovin.com/lovelygyarufashion
I'm really sad and shocked GFC will close because I had soo many lovely followers on it...I hope you will still follow me...( ´_つ`)
Some things happened and of course I want to tell you them in detail!!
I hope my family and me will be able to go to Japan this year!!! We are saving money now! If i have some news, Of course I WILL LET YOU KNOW! ∵ゞ(´ε`●)
My boyfriend visited me here in Germany for a week in march! I was so happy about that!!
Sadly we didn't took many pictures which I regret now, BUT next time we will take more!! I promise!(゚c_、゚ )
In march I also had to work so we didn't have much time to travel....(Now I don't have a job anymore...I have to search a new one soon!!)ヽ(*'0'*)ツ
We were shopping n Dortmund and a supermarket had a 100year anniversary and we got 8(?) free Tickets for a Amusement Park! I went there with my University friends❤(๑→ܫ←人→ܫ←๑)❤ |
Well, thats all... I'm so sad we don't have more "memories" of that visit...(ノ◇≦。) If I'll find more pictures, I will post them in my next entry!
I also want to show you some pictures of my University! Actually this year we have no real summer in Germany...Maybe we had around....15 good days(?) That means only 15 days were OVER 25degree...。・゚゚・(≧д≦)・゚゚・。
We also have a Botanic garden at our University, where I went with my friend Vanessa! It's separated in continents, I like the Asia part because there they also have a small chinese(?) Temple!♫~(⌒。⌒●)
That's my friend Vanessa! I forced her to make a Pose(#^∇^#) haha |
Off-Topic/Random fact: Some pictures of my grandparents Garden! In summer it's so beautiful! They also have a small pound and while my grandpa cleaned it we found 2 cute frogs!(*´σー`)
Also I bought some fishies for them. They had many, some years ago but actually my grandpa didn't want fishes anymore...(ノω・、) ウゥ・・So they gave them away to friends....Now I bought new ones and my Grandma is happy....!!! My Grandpa toooo ∵ゞ(´ε`●) haha
This year I finally went to the Japan-Day in Düsseldorf with my sister!( ゚∀。) That was our first time there! We met some of my friends there!! We drove there by train and when I went out I felt a little uncomfortable...(#`-_ゝ-)I live in a 'small' town and I felt like people were staring at me...Actually, you know WE ARE NOT COSPLAYERS but on this day we, my sister and my friends, decided to wear a costume, just for fun!!(๑◕‿←๑)
When we met Eileen and her friend at the bus station and went by bus to a bigger city we started to see other cosplayers and I felt better!!
Also on that day....We didn't take many pictures...and you know it...I REGRET THAT!!! But the weather wasn't that great again so I wasn't in the mood to take pictures...
I had a goal, on that day I really wanted to take some pictures with other Bloggers, e.g. SUI PRINCESS, MISS NEKO and my cute Rukipe, I didn't find Miss Neko and Rukipe ;_; BUT, Sui!!!(´艸`) Pictures later.
She was sooooo cute!!! I was toooo shy to ask for a picture so my sister did that for me,
Thanks again (つω`*) haha
Thanks again (つω`*) haha
I have to admit I didn't know many names of the cosplayed characters, but my sister knew maaany! I was amazed!!( ゚ ▽ ゚ ;)
Soooo now I want to show you some of the pictures we made!
That's my sister and me!!(๑◕ܫ◕ we made tht picture at the end of the day, after our way back home (we had to drive around 2 hours to Düsseldorf... so 4 hours...Exhausting...。・゚゚・(≧д≦)・゚゚・。)
There was also a Camera Team, but they didn't interviewed us, guess we looked tooo normal?(。・ε・。) ahahaha
We were around...10 or 15 people but the group got splitted soon...Because everybody wanted to go somewhere else(◎>∀<◎)
My friends said this year there were maaany people, of course every year many people are there but this year were muuch more than the last years....We didn't have a picnic-blanket to sit down...So we got tired of walking sooon( °、°)
That's my friend Daniela, I don't have a picture with Isabelle, I'm sad(ノω・、) ウゥ・・....Next time!!!
Daniela wore an Alice costume!! That was very cute!ヽ(*'0'*)ツ I wore a school Uniform which I bought with my family at
Bodyline in Harajuku!(つω`*) And as you can see we had umbrellas with us because later that day it began to rain a little..(゚c_、゚ )
Bodyline in Harajuku!(つω`*) And as you can see we had umbrellas with us because later that day it began to rain a little..(゚c_、゚ )
![]() |
Aaaaand here is my picture which my sister took for me with Sui Princess!!☆( ゚Д゚)b I want to meet her agaiiin!!(≧ω≦。) |
Around 2 weeks ago I got a package!
My boyfriend send me one!♪(。◕ฺˇε ˇ◕ฺ。)♡ Actually I just asked him to send me new Dolly Wink eyeliners because mine, which I bought last year in September in Japan was empty...。・゚゚・(≧д≦)・゚゚・。
My boyfriend send me one!♪(。◕ฺˇε ˇ◕ฺ。)♡ Actually I just asked him to send me new Dolly Wink eyeliners because mine, which I bought last year in September in Japan was empty...。・゚゚・(≧д≦)・゚゚・。
But.....My boyfriend send me muuuch stufff like alwaaaays!!! ( ´_つ`)
The inside of the package was SOOO CUTE! I thought somebody helped him but he did this by hisself...the stars...I was so amazed and also my Grandma thought so ( I opened that at my grandparents home (◎>∀<◎) ) When I read his letter I cried because it was so cute!!(つω`*) I wish I could post it here but I guess it's a little private and he would kill me because he is so ebarrassed...Sorry Guys(ノ◇≦。)
He also bought me a new Iphone Sticker annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd MY BELOVED LONG CHAMP BAG!!!(*゚ー゚)ゞ It's black and the size is L!!! I was sooooo happy!! Some months ago I told him I wanted this bag but it's so expensive for me, so I didn't buy it! I thought he didn't listen to meヽ(*'0'*)ツ haha But he remembered and bought that for me.....I was so happy!!
Now I will send him some presents, I hope he will like mine tooo....(>へ<。)
I also got a Rilakkuma pencase which I use for my university now!
These days when he and me talk on the phone I'm only allowed to talk in german because he still study it for me!!(◡‿◡✿) We talk hours and only in german!!! I think his german (which he studies alone by hisself and after his work....) is better than my japanese (which I study at University since one year)...Anyway I'm so proud of him!!!*:.。☆..。.(´∀`人)
Then some weeks ago I made a shooting with my friend Eileen again, this time in Düsseldorf!!ヽ(*'0'*)ツ (follow her on Instagram: Peachfart)
I love making pictures with her because she is very talented and she has sooo many ideas!!! I'm not sooo creative...She had her friend with her so I was a little embarrassed to make some poses haha But the day was very funny! At the end I ate one piece of cheese cake for around 4€!! I'm a little churlish...(。・ω´・。)But it was delicious nevertheless!
Actually I wanted to wear sandals with plateau but I was tooo lazy to change my shoes...I had them with me in a plastic bag. Now I regret that, but oh welll,....(´艸`)
Cardigan: bought in Japan
Skirt: my mom bought that for me, H&M
Shirt: H&M
Bag: bf bought for me, LIZ LISA
Shoes: H&M
On the last pictures my hair was a little bit messy because it was very windy! Also it was very cold as I told you already, I was literary freezing my as* off...
Anyway, Eileen THANKS for the pictures!!! Hope my readers also like them!( ゚,_ゝ゚)
Some pictures I made with my phone during the 'Shooting-Day'
That's my friend Eileen and me at TOYKIO (I think that's a Café In Düsseldorf, where w also ate the cake)
A girl made a picture of us, she was very friendly!(ノω・、)
Last week on Thurseday here was a very strong Thunderstorm...(´、ゝ`) I was at University during that and when my friends and me wanted to go home....We had to run to the undergroundtrain...We were sooo wet...Even my underwear was WET!!!ャダヽ(o`皿′o)ノ I was so exhausted...I needed 2 hours instead of 1 and a half because some roads were cloesed...I also worried if everybody in my family was allright....(´、ゝ`)
Later my sister sent me some pictures (in some parts of Germany it was worse....We actually had 'Luck'):
Actually that river is a very small river....Then it was nearly overflooded(゚c_、゚ )
Poor thing...My sister found it during/after the heavy rain..(ノω・、) |
That Video I made at my University, it was more horrible than it actually looks...
Yeah...me in the bus..That picture I send my boyfriend...He was a bit concerned( ゚∀。) haha |
At the end I want to show you some pictures of me and my outfits, as always!
My dad bought some Hollister jeans for me! I was so happy! My family actually doesn't like Hollister because the Designer said mean things about chubby, not-popular and poor people...(>_<) |
....Because of that, I want to end this post with this picture!!(つω`*) I really like that statement!! Everybody can have a BeachBody soooo "YOU ARE BEAUTIFUUUL, NO MATTER WHAT THEY SAAAAY!!!!"(´艸`) |
See you soon my Guuurls ちゅー(◎>∀<◎)
Aww you and your bf are super cutee <33
AntwortenLöschen;____; du bist so hübsch!
AntwortenLöschenIch liebe deine Haare ♥ Vor allem sieht dein Make up immer so natürlich aus! So bald ich Fake Lashes drauf hab, seh ich aus wie 'ne Dragqueen ._.
Ich liebe deine Bilder~ bei deinen tollen Haaren kann ich immer nur neidisch werden. Und die Bilder von dir und deinem Freund sind so süß, ihr seht richtig glücklich zusammen aus. <3
AntwortenLöschenYaaay~ I can finally write you again~ My mac is old & I couldn't comment on your posts~ Checking your posts I was like "woooooow so beautiful ;A;"
AntwortenLöschenYour life seems so interesting & I'm happy for you seeing you had time with your boyfriend~ ^3^
I got back to blogging btw ^^"
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Die bilder vom Shooting sind sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo schön! Wirklich :) Könntest wirkluch ein Model sein! Und wenn du lächelst siehst du noch viel hübscher aus :)
AntwortenLöschenDu und dein Freund seid ja so süß! Ich hoffe du kannst ihn bald wieder treffen! がんばってね~
Freu mich dass du wieder gepostetst hast^o^
cute photos!! <3
AntwortenLöschenInternational Persunmall Giveaway
Firmoo Giveaway – 7 winners!!
If you didn't take so many photos of you it means that you enjoyed a lot each other and you were so concentrated in you two that you didn't think about taking pictures, that's good! :P
AntwortenLöschenI love your pictures, as always, you're sooooo pretty and your makeup and hair is always perfect ;)
Good luck with your exam!!!
Du bist sooooo eine hübsche!! Deine Haare sind ein Traum, echt! Und deine Outfits sind supersüß ♥
AntwortenLöschenSchade, dass du deinen Freund schon wieder so lange nicht gesehen hast, ich stell mir so eine Fernbeziehung auf die riesige Distanz schwer vor ;A;
Liebe Grüße
Dieser Kommentar wurde vom Autor entfernt.
AntwortenLöschenhör mal auf so hübsch zu sein eh <3<3
AntwortenLöschenwah wah wah
AntwortenLöschenendlich komme ich dazu ein Kommi zu schreiben <3
Ich liiiiebe deine riesigen Entrys~ < 3
Ihr seid so ein süßes Paar! Respekt wie ihr eure Beziehung führt und durchhaltet. die Entfernung ist ja nicht einfach so hinzunehmen! < 3 Ich hoffe ihr könnt euch dieses Jahr nochmal sehen *3*
OMG wenn ich mir so deine Fotos vom Jday ansehe...waren wir uns voll oft nahe!! D: das schockiert mich noch mehr mau ._.
deine Fotos sind toll geworden! Du siehst so wunderhübsch aus! < 3 Das perfekte Model ey :D
Following you on Blogovin ^^
AntwortenLöschenGreat to see you are having good times and hope you can go to Japan soon :3
My hubby and I are going on december :)
Very pretty pics of you :)
Thanks for sharing! I loved all of the pictures. You look great! ^__^
AntwortenLöschenI don't think that FGB will be closed soon. I guess it's just gossip. ;) Really amazing pic I see u had amazing time with ur love. :)
You and your boyfriend are so darn cute!~ Looks like you had fun all those days and wow - a picture with Sui Princesss?! :O Lucky!
AntwortenLöschenWould you like to follow each other on Bloglovin? Junniku blog [Click!]
- A Korean fashion, beauty and lifestyle blog!
hi!!!!!!!!! :3!
AntwortenLöschenreally, you always are so cute!! I love all your picture and your lovely outfits!!! sooo cute!!!
in your picture seems that you enjoyed so much, surely, it was so fantastic days!!!
by the way, luck for your exam!!!!!!! you can do it!!!!!!
Also, I'm following you in Bloglovin!!!
I hope you have a nice day everyday!!! see youuu!!! :3
YOu're too cute together *0* *0*
AntwortenLöschenhugs and kisses :)
heeey, super tolle bilder beim Photoshooting :))
AntwortenLöschenhab mein blog geändert und wenn du mal reingucken möchtest hier ist die adresse :D
I love your blog, you are soo cute! :)
AntwortenLöschenI would be happy if you look at my blog and maybe follow me too! :)
you're sooo cute dear you look like a doll =) say would you like to follow each other dear? and i also have an OASAP giveaway on my blog feel free to join too... Hugs from fellow pinay http://anotsosecretlife2011.blogspot.com/
AntwortenLöschenSchau mir gerade mal deinen Blog durch.
AntwortenLöschenFind die Bilder schön ^^
Du bist sehr Fotogen.
Hab gerade, als ich die Bilder vom Japanischen Garten gesehen habe gedacht, dass wir erst vor kurzem an derselben Stelle geshootet haben.
Lass dir mal Liebe Grüße hier ^_^
I love your blog! You're sooo beauty~ :3
AntwortenLöschenNice post, I really enjoyed reading! :)
AntwortenLöschenStay tuned to my page for future updates!
What beautiful scenery! >w< So jealous, this looks like fun!
AntwortenLöschenthanks for sharings and good job
AntwortenLöschengaya keren habis
AntwortenLöschenPost, Banner Anforderung
AntwortenLöschenHallo ,
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kan nuttig zijn, de informatie is erg handig, dank je
AntwortenLöschenI love your blog, you are soo cute! :)
AntwortenLöschenI would be happy if you look at my blog and maybe follow me too!
wich...keren abisssss gayanya... i like....
AntwortenLöschenDa sind wirklich schöne Fotos dabei :)
AntwortenLöschenI'm Mel, an old reader of yours & I just wanted to know if you are doing fine. I really liked your blog ♡ Of course many stuff might have changed but I was just curious as I really sympathised you ♡ Take care.
AntwortenLöschenudaipur taxi
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